Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lets give thanks

I get so nostalgic about this time of year because I enjoy the time spent with my family but I also wish that was all it was about.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it’s simple (if you let it be) but its also fun and relaxing and all of my friends and family from out of town travel my way to celebrate.  It’s just a time meant to reflect on what you’re thankful for, and that means a lot in this self-absorbed instant satisfaction way of life. People get so excited (I don’t know why) about Christmas and that devilish day of shopping we call black Friday that it seems like thanksgiving doesn't get its deserved recognition.  Considering right now I am in a great place in life and I have lots of things to be thankful for, I want to give a shout out to those that help make my life wonderful.  I am a lucky gal and this thanksgiving is one for the books and I want to be able to look back years from now and remember each and every reason my life was so damn wonderful.

I am so thankful for my family.  I know that’s a given in most cases, but seriously every person in my family has a heart of gold.  My wonderful supportive kind father and my sweet step mom, my crazy spontaneous and wonderful mom, and my amazing grandparents who are probably the greatest people I know (you don’t see genuine people like them anymore).  And especially my brother Jason who is one of my best friends and my step sister Darbi who is living the dream in London, both who I look up to tremendously and who have achieved so much already – they make me a proud sister.

I am definitely thankful for my boyfriend, best friend, partner in crime and the love of my life Brandon.  He has given me more than I can even begin to thank him for.  He helped me learn to play music and pushed me to where I am vocally and we have shared so many wonderful nights growing together because of that.  He treats me like a queen and he loves me like crazy and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than when my head is resting on his chest.   I love you beb, you are my inspiration and I am so thankful that we found each other when we did. 

I am also incredibly thankful for all my great friends; Jaala- girl you have been there by my side through so much, we have a friendship that can’t be broken and I hope you know if I ever get married you’re going to be my maid of honor.  Maggie and Lindsey- wow, girls we have something wonderful going on musically with Jack & Ginger and I am so blessed to be able to make music with such talented and driven women as you!  Alex, Tara, Carley, Sam, Sarah, Katy- you girls are awesome and I’m glad we have such a great group of girls to run around town with, you ladies make this town explicitly beautiful. Zach- I couldn’t forget about you, even though we have lived in different towns for about 6 years now I still consider you one of my closest pals and I appreciate your friendship to the moon and back!  I love all of you guys so much.  Seriously, it’s crazy.

I’m also thankful that I have a cozy home that me and Brandon coexist beautifully in, a job where I get to be creative and active and do all the things that I love, a bachelors degree (hey I worked really hard for that), a sweet / very ornery puppy- Arlo, and a car that I officially just paid off.  You gotta be thankful for those things too!

At the end of the day these are the things that I absolutely would hate to live without.  This year has been incredible and as it’s nearing its end I am realizing how much my life is worth.  Music, debauchery, a lot of hard work and so much love.  Ok, that’s all the mushy gayness I can handle… let’s eat drink and be drunk.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013 betches!!!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Self Doubt Monster

Good morning and happy Monday to everyone!

When I got to work this morning, a bit grumpy with a case of the Mondays, my co-worker came up to me and said that she had a dream about me.  In this dream I was sitting with my head hung low and I was sad because I had to make a decision that I did not want to make.  Hearing her dream really gave me chills because I think there have been a lot of decisions I have been facing lately.  Brandon and I have been planning on moving to a larger city, I've been thinking about getting a different job, I've been struggling with the idea of ‘religion’ etc.  With each big decision comes a whole other side of life that you leave behind and a whole hell of a lot of self doubt if you’re anything like me. 

After talking to several people, and reading other blogs that deal with the same issues I think it would benefit everyone to address the elephant in the room.  Self doubt is this crippling thing that plagues lots and lots of people, and sometimes for no reason. It’s the voice in the back of your head that tells you that you aren't good enough or that you aren't smart enough or talented enough or just not enough of something to accomplish what you are hoping for.  I mean, I don’t care who you are or how confident you are- you have these thoughts at least every now and then.  I am a very secure person and you would never think that I struggle with self doubt in many aspects of my life.  I’m not skinny enough, I’m not a good enough daughter or sister, I’m not motivated enough, I’m not financially responsible enough, I don’t work hard enough, I’m too old to still be acting this way and I constantly struggle with being a good enough girlfriend.  I can say that I honestly think that all of those thoughts are equally as motivating as they are poisonous.  But the real trick is figuring out how to turn those potentially destructive thoughts into inspiration. 

When these thoughts begin to creep up, or more like completely take over, it can cause anxiety that is absolutely exhausting.  I have been dealing with such thoughts (and I know I’m not the only one) lately and whether it is related to the shift in seasons or the time change where it is dark by like 6 pm it has been taking up too much space in my head.    A fight with a loved one, a bad remark from a co-worker or a boss, a concerned look from a relative or an unsatisfying look in the mirror can send you over the edge.  Sometimes it takes a slight breakdown to realize that something needs to change.  I am speaking not only about my own life but also on behalf of several people who have expressed certain similar feelings here recently.  So this is my advice:

Pause. Breathe. Remember who you are and how you got to where you are today.  It hasn't always been sunshine and rainbows leading up to right now.  It doesn't matter how bad things are right now they will get better, even if they get worse first. 

Reach out.  Talk to someone about how you’re feeling no matter how proud you are.  You can’t deal with everything by yourself, and I recently found that my very best friend was dealing with very similar matters and a mere lunch date with good conversations made me ten times better.

Don’t compare yourself to ANYONE else.  As hard as that seems, this can often be one of the biggest drivers of self doubt.  When you look at someone else your same age or from your same school that is doing better than you or who is better off you are putting yourself below them and that’s wrong.  They are on a completely different path, and what you may see as better off is really just different.  Don’t compare, just aspire.  See what you want and go after it, the only thing stopping you is yourself.  It’s great to have role models and people that inspire you, but don’t see yourself as their inferior, just realize they are in a different place in life than you.  You will be there soon if you work towards that.

Don’t listen to your self doubt monster.  It is your worst enemy and the biggest prevention of creativity and positivity and love.  You can’t be inspired to create or to express yourself when you don’t actually believe that you can.  There is no failure where there was genuine effort.  This life is yours to try and to fall and to learn and to make mistakes and that’s perfectly normal, what isn't normal is preventing yourself from succeeding because you’re scared or self doubting.  You are beautiful, you are able and with a little desire you can be anything you want to be.  Now, please for the both of us, let’s all start believing this.

As cheesy and unlike me as this post is, sometimes you have to cross your own boundaries and do things you don’t want to in order to change where you are… Stop walking down that beaten path and try something new.  Push yourself.  Fight that monster within.

Monday, November 4, 2013

October via Instagram

>> Follow me on instagram @rdcunningham <<

 October was a very fast paced and exciting month. Fall is always such a shift for my life. I’m always frightened that the temperatures are going to drop so low that my fun outdoorsy life will come to a screeching halt, but in reality it’s really not THAT bad. This year has been quite pleasant actually considering there has only been a couple of nights with temps below 40. This past month has made me grateful and has tested my patience and has kept me on the edge of my seat. I joined a new band, I’ve been focusing on being more active in life through biking and running with friends, my boyfriend and my collie, I’ve actually enjoyed the turning of the season with the fall leaves, and then there were all the incredibly fun Halloween activities. 

 + My group of girlfriends and myself decided biking to events was way better than driving and so we biked to the first week of Jazztober held downtown on the chamber of commerce lawn and then had drinks on Polk St.

+ Brandon and I have been together for almost a year and a half and I told a story about the first gift he ever gave me. I appreciate him more than I can ever express.

+A collaboration of harmonies, soul and friendship between me and 4 other very talented musicians became Jack & Ginger.

+ A week and a half after we joined up we were asked to play our first opening gig at the Goldenlight. Show went awesome!

+ Brandon installed a king and queen seat on his Norton 850 Commando and we took it out on the town… seriously one of my very favorite things to do. There’s nothing like holding on to the waist of your love, adventuring around town on a vintage bike!

+ One of my favorite pictures of Arlo after a 6 mile bike/longboard trip around Wolflin and all the way to The 806 and back during a very fun Sunday with my Boys.

+ The changing trees make my outdoor runs very pleasant this time of year.

+ Halloween night #1: I went as a Piñata (DIY piñata dress blog up soon), and Brandon went as my cholo with a bat! He was hitting on me all night ;)

+ Halloween night #2: Last minute shared costume; my friend Katy and I went as the twins from the shinning… “Come play with us Johnny…” Creepy, I know.

I feel as though I have grown a lot this month. Jack & Ginger has forced me outside my comfort zone in music, but has allowed me to gain confidence and has inspired me in so many ways. Brandon and I have had a great time being as active as possible outside before the weather gets cold and it gets dark earlier which has brought us closer. Im excited about November and what all beautiful memories it may bring. Cheers to fall of ’13!

Monday, October 28, 2013


Hi how are you?

It’s been a little while since I have posted because I’ve been focusing on other aspects of my life, like music. I have a pretty magical story behind my musical talents if you like love stories and rock and roll. I’ll try not to be too sappy ;).
I grew up listening to my grandma playing these amazing piano pieces and songs from anything hymnal to old 20’s classics. I would share the piano bench with her and just watch her gracefully hit each note precisely to create this powerful sound. I would sing along with the songs I knew and I even learned a few songs from watching her. She would later catch me teaching myself how to play songs based on me humming a note and then matching that note on the piano and decided I should be in piano lessons. I don’t know what ever ended that desire to play piano however, because after about a year of lessons and even a couple of piano recitals I was on to other things. I also played just about every sport possible so I may have just wanted to be outside running around instead of inside sitting at a piano.
Fast forward about 16 years later to last summer when I found that inspiration once again. I had recently started corresponding with a friend who was always playing shows and writing these wonderful songs and who also happened to be a guy that was very attractive and who I was totally crushing on. This guy saw something in me, a desire to learn maybe, and he invested some time into playing with me and teaching me little tricks and tips and he totally kick started one of the things I love to do most in life. Our relationship bloomed, and besides playing music, we fell in love and conquered the world together (or so we thought). Before I knew it, instead of watching him practice with his band, I was asked to play along a little and I’m not quite sure I was good enough but I eventually became a part of the band ‘Wounded Coyote.’ We actually had our very first gig as a quartet last September at a local martini bar downtown in Amarillo which means I’ve been playing shows for over a year now- which is crazy. We all grew pretty close as a band and as friends and we started playing all over and really just had a hell of a time for a good while. The only reason the band split up a few months ago is because our original drummer moved to Hawaii (can’t be mad at her for that), and our replacement drummer and our original bass player decided to go in a different direction with their music.
Brandon and I have always continued to play together, whether at our house or gigging under the name #Raydon, and we will always share a love and passion for music. I was recently asked by a couple of my lady friends who are very talented musicians to play keys and sing in a band they were starting called Jack & Ginger. We had our first show a couple of Thursdays ago and were quickly asked to play a few more shows around town in the next few months. People are really getting hyped about us because; A. we are Amarillo’s only chick band, and B. we’re girls, and we aren’t bad looking ;). Check us out on facebook or #Jack&Gingermusic.
Music is a crazy beautiful language that makes life worth living for me, and I thank my wonderful boyfriend for helping me to speak that language. Separate or together I hope that music is always a huge part of my life, I dedicate my passion to one very very talented and incredible guy who saw potential in me and who helped make my dream reality. I love you Brandon Todd. #Raydonforever.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wake me up when September ends

September through Instagram:
In the month of September I officially moved in with my boyfriend, which has been a dream compared to any other living situation I've ever had, we started a duo group after the demise of our last band called #Raydon, and we played 3 shows together opening for our friends bands and then one patio session at our almost favorite dive bar.  My boyfriend also picked up a '63 Norton Commando that we have had the pleasure of riding around town to various venues to support lots of live music here in town before the weather gets too cold. I participated in the annual 'P3' (Pints, Pedals & People) bike event this Sunday with my lovely ladies and we had such a great time that we have decided to make it a Sunday ritual! 
I also started this blog at the first of September and although I've only made 5 posts, I feel as though they were interesting and fun and crafty and I'm very inspired to continue!! 

Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my daily adventures here: rdcunningham

Hope you guys are having a great week so far! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Fall Wish List

Dear Fall, since i cant avoid you i might as well just dive in head first and hopefully as fashionably as possible. I am such a leo at heart and the thought of summer ending really hurts my spirit, but this year im going to be positive. Fall isn't bad at all! The weather is cool, but not cold, the leaves change to these beautiful red and yellow hues, and who doesn't love a good pumpkin spice latte?? With all these changes in full effect i have been keeping my eyes open lately for my idea of great fall fashion. I'm really into maxi dresses tall booties and gold jewelry right now. Keep in mind lots of layering and scarves too of course!

1. Martha Glasses c/o BonLook / 2. Bryant Park Life Dress c/o ModCloth / 3. Garage Band Together Bootie c/o ModCloth / 4. BDG Cuffed Vegan Leather Leggings c/o Urban Outfitters / 5. Onyx Shapes Collar Necklace c/o Jeweliq / 6. Kahsha High Top c/o Target / 7. Monserat de Lucca Paper Plane Necklace c/o Urban Outfitters / 8. Burst of Brilliance Dress c/o ModCloth / 9. Oxford Buckle Satchel (which i just picked up on sale here>) c/o Handbag Heaven!

Hope you all are getting in the spirit of fall! Before you know it ill be decorating my house with pumpkins... But really?? Have a great Tuesday! ;)

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vintage Record Rack Restoration

Last weekend, while actually 'tiquing' (antiquing haha) on ol Route 66 on the Triumph motorskooter, Brandon and I stopped by our favorite vintage shop 'Heroine Vintage' to check out the selection.  Before I could even walk inside a little rusty gold rack caught my eye.  I mean it couldn't have been a week prior that I was wishing we had a better set up at our house to put my record player and records in.  I figured we (Brandon) would end up building something, but this was exactly what I was looking for!  It isn't wood like I'd imagined but, dude, it's gold.. And what's better than gold? Nothing. 
After grabbing up this little piece and bringing it to the house I was super excited to get it all cleaned up and like new in our house!

There was a lot of rust on this thing, which Brandon assured me would come off with a little touch of steel wool. 

So about 3 (pretty hard) hours later, about 4 beers and 2 records later I was covered in grey fuzz and I had scrubbed all the rust off of my rack that was physically possible.  There are areas where the rust actually tarnished the metal so it appears a little dull but over all it looks really good!

***drum roll please***
Tadaa! I'm in love!

Not only does it add a sweet vintage look to the room but it compliments my crosley perfectly!  It's super functional and I can see this rack sticking around for a while.

House projects are awesome because you get to see them, well, everyday! It only inspires me to get more creative!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!