Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lets give thanks

I get so nostalgic about this time of year because I enjoy the time spent with my family but I also wish that was all it was about.  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it’s simple (if you let it be) but its also fun and relaxing and all of my friends and family from out of town travel my way to celebrate.  It’s just a time meant to reflect on what you’re thankful for, and that means a lot in this self-absorbed instant satisfaction way of life. People get so excited (I don’t know why) about Christmas and that devilish day of shopping we call black Friday that it seems like thanksgiving doesn't get its deserved recognition.  Considering right now I am in a great place in life and I have lots of things to be thankful for, I want to give a shout out to those that help make my life wonderful.  I am a lucky gal and this thanksgiving is one for the books and I want to be able to look back years from now and remember each and every reason my life was so damn wonderful.

I am so thankful for my family.  I know that’s a given in most cases, but seriously every person in my family has a heart of gold.  My wonderful supportive kind father and my sweet step mom, my crazy spontaneous and wonderful mom, and my amazing grandparents who are probably the greatest people I know (you don’t see genuine people like them anymore).  And especially my brother Jason who is one of my best friends and my step sister Darbi who is living the dream in London, both who I look up to tremendously and who have achieved so much already – they make me a proud sister.

I am definitely thankful for my boyfriend, best friend, partner in crime and the love of my life Brandon.  He has given me more than I can even begin to thank him for.  He helped me learn to play music and pushed me to where I am vocally and we have shared so many wonderful nights growing together because of that.  He treats me like a queen and he loves me like crazy and there’s nowhere I’d rather be than when my head is resting on his chest.   I love you beb, you are my inspiration and I am so thankful that we found each other when we did. 

I am also incredibly thankful for all my great friends; Jaala- girl you have been there by my side through so much, we have a friendship that can’t be broken and I hope you know if I ever get married you’re going to be my maid of honor.  Maggie and Lindsey- wow, girls we have something wonderful going on musically with Jack & Ginger and I am so blessed to be able to make music with such talented and driven women as you!  Alex, Tara, Carley, Sam, Sarah, Katy- you girls are awesome and I’m glad we have such a great group of girls to run around town with, you ladies make this town explicitly beautiful. Zach- I couldn’t forget about you, even though we have lived in different towns for about 6 years now I still consider you one of my closest pals and I appreciate your friendship to the moon and back!  I love all of you guys so much.  Seriously, it’s crazy.

I’m also thankful that I have a cozy home that me and Brandon coexist beautifully in, a job where I get to be creative and active and do all the things that I love, a bachelors degree (hey I worked really hard for that), a sweet / very ornery puppy- Arlo, and a car that I officially just paid off.  You gotta be thankful for those things too!

At the end of the day these are the things that I absolutely would hate to live without.  This year has been incredible and as it’s nearing its end I am realizing how much my life is worth.  Music, debauchery, a lot of hard work and so much love.  Ok, that’s all the mushy gayness I can handle… let’s eat drink and be drunk.

Happy Thanksgiving 2013 betches!!!

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