Thursday, September 19, 2013

Succulent Love

Recently, after an overload of cute plant blogs i have viewed, i decided to indulge in a little succulent project. It might not even seem like a big deal to someone with a green thumb but I'm a total beginner and this was very exciting for me. I recently moved homesteads and in the process of buying moving boxes from the local Home Depot i pleasantly ran into a full arrangement of hot weather plants that were on sale (because whether i like it or not fall is coming). I bought 6 tiny plants and an amazing vase and some special cacti/succulent soil that drains well and i was off to create my first arrangement! In all my excitement i threw away all the tags telling me each species that i got so i had to do a little research to try to match the types for my records.
My creation! :)

This is a bright orange cacti (which i actually heard they inject with color, so as it grows it will fade). 

These are (I'm 85% sure) a form of Crassula ovata, or 'Jade'.
Another wonderful form of Cacti called Pincushion Cactus (Mimmillaria) with the ability to bloom.  See the tiny little white thing popping off the side?  That has a pretty pink center.

This is some form of 'strange' succulents, which i loved because of the purple-ish contrast it brought to the concoction. 

These are (once again don't quote me on this) forms of Echeveria and Jade.

And that big center succulent is called a Sempervivum Tectorum, and it is awesome! ;)

I love this ombre painted vase, you can snag one just like it at Home Depot for $20!  I am pretty proud to say that i have yet to kill any of these plants.  Good thing they are so low maintenance!  The hardest part is just knowing when to lay off the water.  My method is this: pay attention to the plants.  If they are lacking in sun, their limbs will actually stretch out towards the direction that the sunlight is coming from which probably means they need to be closer to a window or even just outside.  The sun in the east is better for these plants than the harsh westward setting sun.  Also, check the leaves and if they are forming scabs on them or drying up then they are probably getting too much sun and getting 'sun burned'.  I potted these guys in a cacti specific soil that drains well and honestly the only way i water them is with a spray bottle.  I just get the surface wet and then walk away, I've been told its really easy to over-water since these are pretty much desert plants.

Wish me luck.  I'm kinda attached to this arrangement of wonderful succulents and I'd really hate to have to say goodbye to any of them!  

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